

Manipulation of numbers in politics and economy

You should not blindly trust dramatic informations. In most cases the reality is not so dramatic and the actual numbers are in the middle of the gauge. It is also important to always pay attention to the axes in figures. We learn this in math, science and engineering courses at school.

In Japan

Many people do not care about non-dramatic news. This is why commercial companies try to attract people’s attention to advertize their products, and some politicians to get their support/trust. I do not see many in Japan, however, who claim things with decorated words. In my impression it is the private sector such as mass media and big names on SNS that mislead the people with shocking words and manipulated data. Policies do not often look so dramatic, which explains why many people do not show interest since 40 years. The more I learn about what the Japanese government is doing, the better impression it makes to me. The only exception is that they seek for a deeper and stronger relation with the US army. As an independent country with large economy Japan should defend the island without the help of other countries. We should not accompany the “fight for justice” all around the world by the US.